Where did you grow up/study?
I am originally from South Korea. However, I grew up in Hong Kong and later completed my bachelor’s degree (UCL), MPhil (Cambridge), and teacher training (Oxford) in the UK.
What attracted you to teach at CAIS?
“Soli Deo Gloria” is a motto that I live by. Consequently, I was immediately drawn to CAIS’ mission in nurturing Christian citizens who are best able to give glory to God.
Biggest challenge and rewarding moment working in education?
The biggest challenges have stemmed from students refusing to recognise their own talents and potential as learners. The most rewarding moments are when I witness my students garner confidence in themselves and in the English classroom.
What do you miss most about your home when you are overseas?
I definitely miss my parents the most. Authentic dim-sum is a close second.
Can you share one of your favourite bible verses with us?
“And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” – Matthew 28:20