Where did you grow up/study?
I grew up in a small rural town called Feilding in New Zealand. I completed my bachelor’s in English and History at Massey University and my teaching qualification at New Zealand Graduate School of Education.
What attracted you to teach at CAIS?
I had heard about CAIS from fellow teachers in New Zealand who knew Mr. Vanderpyl and my husband and I were interested in moving to that part of the world due to the Lord’s prompting, so I thought I would look into it further. After researching the school, praying, and having some video calls, I was impressed by the way faith was lived out authentically and how the overall identity of the school was one of genuine care to create a family environment.
I was also interested in the school’s community mindedness and academic rigour, especially with the supplementary international curriculums it offers. All of these characteristics I really value in education. I love being able to delve into intellectual content with students and give them the tools to be able to analyse information themselves, which is why the International Baccalaureate Language and Literature course is going to be a dynamic course to teach.
Biggest challenge and rewarding moment working in education?
In the previous school I worked at I was in charge of looking after 250 students’ academic, pastoral and behavioural needs. I found this challenge hugely rewarding as this was a big academic year for the students (normally New Zealand universities take into account the grades earned in this year for scholarships) and it was fulfilling to encourage the students individually, whilst also casting a vision for the year level as a whole.
However, one of the things I found difficult about the job was not being able to build as many one-on-one relationships as I would have liked because of the size of the cohort and the disruptive nature of COVID-19. Another challenge in my career was saying goodbye to my Kiwi students who I deeply care about and explaining my move to them (as when the Hong Kong school year starts it is only halfway through the New Zealand school year). However, I am excited about the meaningful relationships I can build with students in Hong Kong!
What do you miss most about your home when you are overseas?
Firstly, of course family and close friends. Then the food and nature. My husband and I are also keen hikers and our hometown is very close to the Southern Alps where we enjoy hiking.
Can you share one of your favourite bible verses with us?
“Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.” – Romans 12:1