Like sports, art has long been a unifier. The artworks at CAIS’s campus at Butterfly Valley have not only given colours to the school’s interior spaces, the messages behind these creative works have…
Physical Education is one of the best examples to help us reimagine the physical setting of a learning space during Covid.
"Have you heard the plan?" "No, not the dinner or weekend plan, although a nice chicken shawarma meal or a weekend getaway does sound enticing."
The CAIS Peer Tutoring Club (PTC) initiative understands the anxiousness of students getting the help and support when they need it the most.
Hae In Kim is a Grade 2 homeroom teacher at CAIS and as a student studied the IB curriculum which will be available for the final two years of high school students at CAIS starting academic year…
Leadership theories are meaningless unless they can inspire students to grow, lead and make an impact on our community.
Our teachers were recently invited by the school to share updates on their latest professional accreditations and accomplishments that they attained as part of an annual reminder encouraging everyone…
In the summer of 2017, Robin Schortgen began her career as an art teacher at Christian Alliance International School.
Agnes Fung and Sophie Chen are the Chinese Language Team Leads for primary and secondary sections respectively at Christian Alliance International School (CAIS) where it offers the most robust and…
CAIS Tech Team is an absolute team player and has changed the perceptions of what role students play at schools.
With 2020 having just days left to run, many of us are looking forward to celebrating the new year.
When CAIS High School Science teacher James Sandy took his class online during this year's pandemic, he knew he was going to face challenges getting his students
While Phase I supports students’ academic development, Phase II will be a powerhouse of ideas to inspire creativity and motivate students to learn beyond classrooms.
The coronavirus pandemic has changed every aspect of our lives and the world has turned to technology to provide solutions and gain new insights to help us fight the virus.
Marko Choi | Class of 2020
David Lau | Class of 2019
Tobias Ng | Class of 2018
CAIS Christian Ethics Teacher Mr Richard Nadar teams up with Dr Jonathan Johnson, Pastor at Island Baptist Church to launch a book study project. The Pilgrim's Progress is the first book they picked…
One of the equalizers about music is that it's not how you look but it's how you sound. Being able to think that someone can close their eyes and just hear rather than seeing someone who is missing a…
Mr Cheung has firsthand experience with different curriculum systems beginning with his own education. We asked him to share with us his experience.
With “Service” being one of the core values at CAIS, there are many opportunities that empower students to demonstrate hospitality and fulfill their potential as Christian leaders and global…
With “Service” being one of the core values at CAIS, there are many opportunities that empower students to demonstrate hospitality and fulfill their potential as Christian leaders and global…
Students are allocated to one of the four houses at CAIS which are name after Christian missionaries. Primary House is where every student can feel included and valued. Are you ready for House?
Elysse Eng is proud to be a part of the first IB cohort to receive their well-deserved diplomas. She shares with us her two years of learning experience at CAIS.
Like many aspiring athletes, Hugo Choy's dream came true when he was selected by the Hong Kong Sports Institute to become a member of the Hong Kong karatedo team.
As a student athlete who has won medals in numerous skateboarding competitions, Sherman Tang has learned how to fall, and have the courage to get up again after falling.
CAIS high school student, Nicole Chik, is embarking on an extraordinary journey to raise funds for her chosen charity to help those in need. Find out what inspired her to take on this remarkable…
Reflecting on the 11 years that he was a student at CAIS, Ethan Chung is most proud of being able to participate in positions of leadership and service in school.
“Going to university can be a big change of environment. Don’t look back; anticipate and focus on the journey ahead of you.”
Worship and prayers are at the heart of CAIS. Read on to find out what prompted this group of staff and students to devote themselves to the school’s Worship Team.
Sometimes, it is not about how much time you spend at a place, but the memories you make.
As a child, David Lau pictured himself growing up to be a detective one day, just like many imaginative kids. Unlike many though, he did not just stop there.
“CAIS is a tight-knit, accommodating place where the success of each student is forged by the dedication and continued support of teachers and staff.”
"CAIS is a tight-knit community where students are always encouraged to be the greatest version of themselves."
Each year, Kindness Week is held as a meaningful and fun-filled celebration for us to learn about the value of kindness and being caring to others.
A student at CAIS from Grade 10 to 12, Wendy Fung has truly demonstrated that learning often takes place beyond the classroom.
A Grade 9 student at CAIS, Yat Au started learning the cello at the young age of six. Read on as he shares his musical journey with us.
Twelve-year-old Vinci Chan (7A) has been interested in life science, biology, paleontology and zoology since he was 3-4 years old.
Chantel Yiu, a grade 9 student at CAIS enters herself in a TV singing contest.
“I don’t think... I can take it anymore...” Queen Aquarius, the connoisseur of magic struggled to say.
Like sports, art has long been a unifier. The artworks at CAIS’s campus at Butterfly Valley have not only given colours to the school’s interior spaces, the messages behind these creative works have…
There was a little bit of a music culture in our family. My uncle played the violin as an amateur and from a very early age, I heard him practicing and I was fascinated by the instrument...
In Hong Kong I think that parents want their children to cultivate their creativity and they look to music and art to help cultivate it but sometimes the decision is then imposed on the child.
I did not start out with the bassoon. I started out at age 6 playing the violin but after a year, I gave up. I found that the posture to play the violin to be too awkward for me so I gave up. At age…
I am Izumi Nikaido and I am a flutist. I was born in Kagoshima City, Japan and started to play the piano when I was 3 years old.
When I graduated from High School, I enrolled in the Senior Program at APA and spent the next 4 years there. In 1993, I was recruited to be the associate principal Horn for the Korean Symphony…
I was born and grew up in Taiwan. When I was a child, my mother strongly encouraged my two sisters and me to learn playing piano. One day she discovered that I was able to play all the pop songs…
She is an acclaimed young virtuoso of the new generation started learning the cello when she was ten at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts.
As a father of four children (youngest is now 24!), I think I can say with experience, that we don’t always get parenting right.
I am sure we all know the story, “Goldilocks and the 3 bears”. It is a lovely story that has an excellent parenting and teaching technique hidden within it.
Earlier this week the English Language Learning (ELL) Department shared with staff their expertise in working with students for whom English is a second language.
This week I have enjoyed reading to all the Preparatory children, Max Lucado’s book “You are Special”. This storytelling has become a tradition at CAIS where every Preparatory child is gifted a copy…
Recently I was listening to an audiobook from one of my favourite authors, Jim Collins, who wrote “Good to Great” and “Built to Last”.
Napoleon Bonaparte once said, “A leader is a dealer in hope.” In my opinion, so too, “Teachers are dealers in hope.”
Recently I received an email from an airline company informing me that they were ‘elevating my benefits’! That surprised me considering I have not travelled in the past 18 months!
In 1991 American scientists began an amazing experiment, the world’s first ‘Closed Biosphere’ enclosure.
In ‘pre-covid’ times, many churches would hold two Easter services, one on Good Friday and one on Easter Sunday.
One of my favourite Christian hymns (song) is one titled, “It is well with my soul”, written by Horatio Spafford in the 18th century.
A number of years ago, I read a book that had, and still does, an impact on me and I would like to share some thoughts from it with you. The book, by Bill Hybels, is called ‘Simplify – 10 practices…
A number of years ago, I read a book that had, and still does, an impact on me and I would like to share some thoughts from it with you. The book, by Bill Hybels, is called ‘Simplify – 10 practices…
This Sunday is the second Sunday in advent as we celebrate the coming of Christ as Saviour.
When our children were very young, we lived in a different part of New Zealand to where their grandparents lived. I can still remember their reaction when my wife and I would say ‘Grandma and Grandpa…
Last Saturday, if the Parent Teacher Interviews were taking place at school, I was to give a talk on “The heart of Christian Education.”
This coming Monday, 12th October, Canadians will celebrate Thanksgiving Day. (Jour de l'Action de grâce).
“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.”
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