我們期盼能締造一個追求卓越和關愛並重的學習環境,以優秀的靈性、體育、品德及學術教育,協助青少年訂立明確目標,培育他們蛻變成長 。

BCom, MEd Admin (Hons), WCF
Richard is a passionate educator with extensive experience in the development of quality international education. He's also a trailblazer who loves to explore innovative ideas and create new opportunities. Driven by his faith in Jesus Christ, he desires to help all aspiring young people achieve their God given purpose and use their gifts in service. Richard loves to travel and treasures his international adventures with his wife and children. Cultivating the next generation of leaders and changemakers and teaching them about Christ is his life goal.

Mr. Daniel Schick
BA (Hons), BEd, MEd
Daniel has taught internationally for 15 years, and in Hong Kong since 2008. Although shaped in his formative years learning discipline through athletics, soccer, and fitness, as well as fostering a deep love for reading and literature, it was predominantly growing up in a Christian school in Saskatoon, Canada, which ignited his passion for Christian Education. He teaches English with ardour, and keeps 1 Thess. 5:12-15 posted in his classroom. He is a new father, and spends his free time reading story books with his wife to his little girl.

Dr. David Best
BEd, MEd, EdD
David left Nova Scotia, Canada for Hong Kong to embark on his international career in education in 2001. Having joined CAIS since its establishment, he loves the school because staff and students can daily recognise and share God openly with others seeking to serve and honour Him in every area of their lives. David is an avid sportsman and loves to play badminton whenever he can. His favourite bible verse is Phil 4:13.

Leslie's passion has remained constant through her journey as an educator, which is to integrate a worldview in all subject areas of learning that includes God in everything. She believes every child is “fearfully and wonderfully made” (Ps. 139:14). Working in a Christian school gives her the privilege to partner with parents, nurturing students' talents, gifts, and calling. Leslie values the CAIS community because they encourage each other as colleagues and believers to strive to be their best for God. In her leisure time, she enjoys traveling and going on adventures with her husband and two beautiful boys.

BASc, PEng, BEd, MEd
Samuel relocated to Hong Kong from Canada in 2011. His favorite Bible verse is “train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not turn from it” (Proverbs 22:6). He responded to Lord's calling to become a Christian teacher from his former career as a professional engineer (P. Eng.) in Canada. It is his passion to provide quality education to teenagers. He enjoys outdoor and math puzzles.

Ms. Jade Du Toit
助理校長 (Prep - G3)
Since the beginning of her educational journey, Jade has developed a passion for influencing the future generation to shine their light for Jesus. She believes in building strong foundations (Isaiah 33:6) in children's knowledge, skills, integrity and their walk with Christ. To build these foundations, Jade believes that Christian Education is a team effort. She values partnering with parents to hold high expectations and to cheer on each child as they are wonderfully made in God's image. In her spare time, Jade loves exploring diverse culinary worlds with people, particularly savouring the joys of Japanese cuisine, both cooking and dining!

Ms. Kathy Hon
助理校長 (G4 - 6)
BSc, MEd
Kathy is passionate about creating a teaching and learning environment that is meaningful, relevant, and fun. Her heart for investing in young people developed at an educational nonprofit in Hong Kong and continues to grow within her time at CAIS. Growing up with team sports, she believes great things are achieved by a great team and she is constantly inspired by the group of diverse and talented educators she works with. When it comes to her greatest inspiration, Jesus, His words in Matthew 5:16 have been her guide through life. Kathy finds joy in the simplicity of good food and good company.

Ms. Ana Han
BEd (Hons), MEd
Ana is a dedicated educator who takes pride in her alma mater, CAIS. She believes that God has called her to serve as a teacher and to pass on the love and grace she received as a student to future generations. For Ana, building meaningful relationships with her students is at the heart of Christian education. As a social studies teacher, she brings her enthusiasm and curiosity to the classroom, constantly seeking to understand the world as God created it. During her free time, Ana loves to venture off the beaten path in Hong Kong and try out new spicy dishes.

Mr. Ben Myers
助理校長(中學), 國際文憑統籌
BS, MEd Leadership
Ben has worked in private and public high schools in the USA and abroad for over twenty years. Having taught the American, UK, IB, and Canadian curricula, wide experience has given him a passion for exploring best practices in education. Raised in a Christian home rich in music, visual arts and athletics, Ben believes it is God's will that children be educated broadly and deeply, and with a view that does not “conform to the pattern of this world” (Romans 12:2). Ben, with his wife Rosy and son Leo, enjoy summers in the US and Spain, hikes in Hong Kong, and being a part of the growing CAIS family.
校董會『RMC』是由香港九龍塘基督教中華宣道會任命。 RMC負責學校的管理和發展,由以下各位校董組成。
Mr. Howard Chan – Chairman cum School Supervisor
主席暨校監 – 陳偉基先生 (2024年加入校董會)
Ms. Amanda Chan
陳凱茵女士 (2024年加入校董會)
Mr. Samuel Chui
崔永浩先生 (2021年加入校董會)
Mr. Gary Lau
劉兆光先生 (2023年加入校董會)
Mr. Joshua Law
羅智光先生 (2021年加入校董會)
Mr. Ivan Man
文漢良先生 (2021年加入校董會)
Ms. Annie Ng
吳小娟女士 (2022年加入校董會)
Mr. Sammy Ng
吳添揚先生 (2022年加入校董會)
Mr. Alan Tang
鄧蔭麟先生 (2024年加入校董會)