CAIS 學生張晉朗獲頒卓越獎學金August 28, 2018行政長官林鄭月娥在8月23日主持香港卓越獎學金計劃頒獎禮,83名學生獲頒獎學金,將於2018-19學年到境外知名大學升讀學士學位或研究院課程。CAIS應屆畢業生張晉朗是其中一位得獎學生。他將入讀英屬哥倫比亞大學 (理學士)。獎學金計劃目的是資助本地學生在香港境外升讀知名大學以培養具備環球視野、國際網絡、以及一流教育水平的優秀人才。從而提升香港競爭力。 我們為張晉朗同學獲得傑出榮譽感恩,並祈求他能繼續活出CAIS的使命。More NewsThanksgiving Carnival 2024: You’re Invited!The Voices of CAISThanksgiving Carnival Returns at CAISParis Saint-Germain celebrates the successful openings of the PSG Academy at CAISCAIS continues to forge ahead with the development of the Phase IIB Aquatic CentreCAIS connects parents with a support networkCAIS bids farewell to Consul General of Canada in Hong KongCAIS re-establishes the House SystemCAIS reinforces commitment to athletic developmentCAIS Annual Event Kindles Students’ Interest in STEM給應屆畢業生的信Spotlight社會公義學會 (Social Justice Club) 服務社群