社會公義學會 (Social Justice Club) 服務社群October 10, 2018在2016年夏天,宣道國際學校在籌備搬遷到荔枝角蝴蝶谷的同時,已經與深水埗北河燒臘飯店創辦人陳灼明先生,又名「明哥」磋商合作,讓我校學生有更多機會服務社會及為深水埗區內有需要的人士提供幫助。在2018年10月9日,本校一眾社會公義學會(Social Justice Club)的學生成員到了「明哥」的餐廳參與飯盒製作並分發予區內有需要的長者。及後每兩周的周二下課後,社會公義學會(Social Justice Club)學生領袖Hye Rin Oh、馬梓瑜及譚天恩同學將帶同會內其他學生參與該活動,將愛持續地在社會上傳揚及履行我校使命: 傳道授業,修己明理,耕學子心田。榮神益人,靈堅志壯,事天下蒼生。More NewsThanksgiving Carnival 2024: You’re Invited!The Voices of CAISThanksgiving Carnival Returns at CAISParis Saint-Germain celebrates the successful openings of the PSG Academy at CAISCAIS continues to forge ahead with the development of the Phase IIB Aquatic CentreCAIS connects parents with a support networkCAIS bids farewell to Consul General of Canada in Hong KongCAIS re-establishes the House SystemCAIS reinforces commitment to athletic developmentCAIS Annual Event Kindles Students’ Interest in STEMCAIS 學生張晉朗獲頒卓越獎學金Spotlight專業管弦樂訓練計劃