

October 26, 2019

充氣城堡! 美味食物! 有趣遊戲!

本年度感恩嘉年華於2019年10月26日星期六完滿結束。感謝所有參與籌備嘉年華的家長及同學! 以下是活動當日花絮,請大家觀賞!更多照片可以瀏覽學校網上相簿

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祝賀許露雯同學榮獲Spirit of Canada獎項

祝賀許露雯同學榮獲Spirit of Canada獎項

July 2, 2019

每年一度由加拿大總領事頒發的Spirit of Canada 獎旨在鼓勵活躍參與、勤奮、成熟、懂得互相尊重、有誠信並在校內服務有傑出貢獻的學生。



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May 4, 2019







出席動土禮的主禮嘉賓還包括:加拿大駐香港及澳門總領事南傑瑞先生、宣道會國際學校校董會主席劉國傑先生、校監陳家欣先生、學校顧問委員會主席李錦耀先生、學校顧問委員會學生代表劉同右同學、以及九龍塘宣道會教育部副主席何式音女士、九龍塘宣道會執事會副主席鄧蔭麟先生 及業主代表文漢良先生。



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April 18, 2019


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February 1, 2019



此活動由騰訊主辦,並得到中國科學技術協會全力支持,成為「騰訊青少年科普計劃」系列活動的首站。活動邀請了Lucy Hawking, David Eagleman, Li Miao, Charles Czeisle及Tim Urban等全球頂尖科學家及學者與青少年面對面交流,解讀榜單中火星液態水、人類起源、記憶操控等前沿科學領域的奧秘。





“Through the Tencent Youth Science Festival, I had a euphoric experience of conversing with spearheading and inspiring scientists such as Lucy Hawking, David Eagleman, and Charles Czeisler. This opportunity allowed me to meet elite students from all over China, befriending and identifying them as comrade-in-arms who are immensely interested in science. We have all treasured this infrequent chance to engage in intellectual discussions with concurrent elites. Lucy Hawking, the daughter of the late renowned theoretical physicist, Stephen Hawking, postulates that the science-fiction genre bestows a spectacular way of paving the road for future of science and technology. She uses a tender tone to recapitulate his father’s convoluted scientific achievements into simple persuasive speeches that allures our next generation to imagine and better future. Lucy beguilingly describes the astrophysics of black holes, the orbital of spacecraft and the galactic ventures by our contemporary society. Her speech has propelled my inconspicuous interest in inspecting unanswered questions, for instance, the role of peculiar dark energy and dark matter in our universe. She ultimately emphasizes how education systems such as peer-to-peer mentoring can foster imagination – the fuel of curiosity and science – to pragmatically realize our dreams and ambitions as an ever-growing civilization.


Furthermore, I am blessed and grateful to be given the opportunity to pose questions to David Eagleman and Charles Czeisler. Both intellectuals provided me with astute acumen regarding the 86 billion intricate neuron cell communication to the pivotal circadian rhythms that govern our sleep. Eagleman has accentuated how the prefrontal cortex allows humans to predict and visualize the future, invigorating and narrating the scientific community with the sowed seeds amongst all children. The most memorable moment was with Dr. Czeisler, the Harvard professor that specializes in the field of sleep medicine and circadian rhythms. I raised the question, “is it possible to innovate a drug to eliminate the biological need of sleeping in order to have sufficient time to finish the amassed assignments and assessments?” He shrugged and started chuckling; he then commenced to elucidate the overwhelming amount of side effects one might have due to the deprivation of sleep. It was surely a blissful experience to meet these perceptive leaders in the field of science, this marvelous and thought-provoking science festival has surely sowed seeds of interest in science within me.

The scientist’s divulged and extensive messages can be conveyed in one compromised message regarding science: we are the engaged citizens and decision-makers of the exciting times, where education and imagination consistently drive us to reach out further as a collective whole.

“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”

– Arthur C. Clarke” 11B Student Marko Choi


“To say that the 2019 Tencent Youth Science Festival was just “fun” truly does not do the event justice. It was an eye-opener, an instigator of inspiration, and an opening door to the future of science. I for one am not fond of mornings so to say that I am willing to wake up at 5:30 in the morning again just for the sake of reliving my experience at the festival says a lot. It was a great privilege for me to be one of two students representing the school and it would be a great opportunity for me to learn. Little did I know, or little did I try to find out, how significant the festival was. 


From 8:00 in the morning to 5:30 in the afternoon, with the exception of lunch and small breaks, I was in science paradise. From neuroscience to AI; cosmology to the study of sleep; imagination to evolution; technological innovation to biological discoveries, the science festival lived up to its name. During the morning Q&A sessions at Tencent, students like me got to ask neurologist David Eagleman and Harvard Professor Charles Czeisler numerous questions which stem from our curiosities. I got to ask Professor Czeisler about the science behind sleep paralysis and I am extremely thankful that both the scientists who spent time with us took the time to answer each and every question with sincerity and great detail. Then, Tencent led the participants around an exhibition which showcased the company’s facilities, products, innovations, AI technology, and accomplishments. After this, we arrived at a venue where significant scientific figures and great educators including David Eagleman, Charles Czeisler, Lucy Hawking, and Tim Appenzeller each gave inspiring and informative talks from their perspectives and their passions. Every talk was unique and the short science videos which played in between them combined cinematic creativity with the beauty of science. It was a very fruitful and fulfilling day to say the least. 


After attending the festival, my interest in science intensified. I learnt that the foundation of science is imagination; the ability to dream the impossible as possible and to ask ridiculous questions as profound inquiries. It is only when one is brave enough to ask that they are motivated enough to seek. It moved me when Tencent expressed how they value youths like me and believed that the reins of the future are held in the younger generations. The recognition from Tencent and the scientists present at the festival encouraged me to be unafraid to imagine and to pursue my own interests. Hearing renowned scientists say they are in awe of how complex and beautiful this universe is also humbled me. I could not help but admire and revere God, the creator and the greatest scientist of all. 


I highly encourage other students to attend this event because it provides a platform for inspiration and is such a valuable experience. Thank you for giving me this opportunity!”

11B Student Loren Ho

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October 28, 2018

為了發掘及增強學生的音樂能力,宣道國際學校現正舉辦專業管弦樂訓練計劃。 歡迎有興趣的學生按 了解更多課程導師背景。




學校發展部最近跟幾位課程導師談及他們的音樂發展歷程。 請按以下連結了解更多他們傾談的內容(只提供英文版本)。





雙簧管 / 巴松管導師李銘誌先生

法國號 / 小號導師周智仲先生




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社會公義學會 (Social Justice Club) 服務社群

社會公義學會 (Social Justice Club) 服務社群

October 10, 2018

在2016年夏天,宣道國際學校在籌備搬遷到荔枝角蝴蝶谷的同時,已經與深水埗北河燒臘飯店創辦人陳灼明先生,又名「明哥」磋商合作,讓我校學生有更多機會服務社會及為深水埗區內有需要的人士提供幫助。在2018年10月9日,本校一眾社會公義學會(Social Justice Club)的學生成員到了「明哥」的餐廳參與飯盒製作並分發予區內有需要的長者。及後每兩周的周二下課後,社會公義學會(Social Justice Club)學生領袖Hye Rin Oh、馬梓瑜及譚天恩同學將帶同會內其他學生參與該活動,將愛持續地在社會上傳揚及履行我校使命:



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CAIS 學生張晉朗獲頒卓越獎學金

CAIS 學生張晉朗獲頒卓越獎學金

August 28, 2018

行政長官林鄭月娥在8月23日主持香港卓越獎學金計劃頒獎禮,83名學生獲頒獎學金,將於2018-19學年到境外知名大學升讀學士學位或研究院課程。CAIS應屆畢業生張晉朗是其中一位得獎學生。他將入讀英屬哥倫比亞大學 (理學士)。獎學金計劃目的是資助本地學生在香港境外升讀知名大學以培養具備環球視野、國際網絡、以及一流教育水平的優秀人才。從而提升香港競爭力。



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July 19, 2018


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祝賀丁河允同學榮獲Spirit of Canada獎項

祝賀丁河允同學榮獲Spirit of Canada獎項

June 29, 2018

每年一度由加拿大總領事頒發的Spirit of Canada 獎旨在鼓勵活躍參與、勤奮、成熟、懂得互相尊重、有誠信並在校內服務有傑出貢獻的學生。



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